Saturday, December 31, 2011


I’m visiting my blog exactly after a year and that too at the very last day and at the very last moment. During the last 365 days, I made up my mind a number of times to put a post, but it seemed that the universe conspired to keep me away from it, and at last it helped me to find few minutes today.

It would be very wrong in my part to blame it all upon the ‘Celestial bodies’ because throughout the year, now and then, my body was dominated by ‘lethargic feel’. On the other hand, my curious mind asked me to wait for more interesting incidents (as if the ‘Arab Spring’, Japan’s Tsunami and Osama’s death wasn’t enough to jolt the mind). Whenever I sat with pen and paper, another breaking news broke my heart. The earth is undergoing changes. I
n the history of evolution, it isn't a new phenomenon. Millions of years ago, the earth underwent geographical changes but, today the changes are less geographical and more anthropogenic.

Today, on 31st December 2011, when the world is cheering the dawn of another year, people are busy in summing up their lives; my mind seems to be preoccupied with the changes that have thrown a strong global impact. Every month of 2011 added extra pages to the history. There wasn’t a single month that was spared from accidents or incidents. Nature’s fury, once again, poured on Japan. The tsunami lasted for few minutes but, left blemishes on the land of the world’s one of the most advanced countries.

I felt bad for Japan, but more than feeling bad, I felt sad and scared; scared because we are so vulnerable, especially in front of natural forces. When nature strikes, all we could do are sit back and watch people die. July 7, 2011, became another historic date as one more technological progress showed up. World’s first artificial organ transplant took place on that date. I would better restrain myself because one post is not enough for enclosing all the incidents. But, for me, it’s not a full stop.

So, here I am and this is me, and I’m all set to frame my views into words, and put up the picture in front of all of you through my posts. As I always say, your opinions and views are most welcome. After reading this post, do leave your views.