Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Love, happiness, excitement, nervousness, hatred, anger, frustration and a lot more – my journal is a ‘pensieve’ that holds all my emotions besides my memories. I was in seventh standard when I started writing journal, which was in the year 2001. To be honest, I haven’t been able to visit it daily (something I’ve wished to do since a long time). But till today, my journal has been my only friend to stay with me through thick and thin.

Life doesn’t go easy on anyone but, it does grant a means of survival to everyone. This means of survival, be it a friend, hobby or anything, helps you to make it through the day. For me, it is my journal. This takes me back to the first episode of The Vampire Diaries’ very first season where Elena Gilbert sits beside a window and addresses her journal as ‘Dear Diary’. Yes, a diary is one of the dearest things to its owner. And why not? After all, this is the only place where incidents and feelings are entered unadulterated. There is no place for pretense.

However, when I started my journal, my purpose wasn’t exactly to report incidents. My sole purpose of writing journal was to improve my writing skills. But we got connected eventually. When I sat with it, all I could see was those blank pages eagerly waiting to be penned down with all I have in my heart and mid. When we were together, it listened to me so patiently. Anne Frank is so right. Paper is more patient than men.

From seventh standard till now, both my life and I have changed. In the last twelve years, I have metamorphosed from a nervous teenager to a confident spinster. So many things have changed except my love for my journal and its respect for my emotions. There have been times when I neglected it, even abandoned it for months. But, it never complained and every time I was back, I found the same warmth and love.

I am and will always be grateful to my journal for so many things. I’ll be grateful to it for helping me to maintain my integrity when other people have been losing theirs at such rapid pace. I’ll be grateful to it for helping me to believe in myself when others mercilessly broke my trust. My journal is and will always be my best friend.

P.S. – Before you start writing journal, find a good place to hide it, especially from your siblings. ;) J

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Drizzly morning, creepers growing on roofs, calm breeze, comfortable couch and a cup of tea – for a nature lover like me, Sunday morning cannot be better than this. The serenity such combination offers is hard to find and express as well. Honestly speaking, I don’t expect everyone to see the exception of this situation.

There might be nothing exceptional in enjoying a cup of tea on Sunday. But, having it amongst nature, away from the bustle and din of metros, certainly makes your Sunday special. It revitalizes you. It feels as if every molecule of your body is drawing its share of energy, ready to release it when they are set into motion again. But, not everyone has the eye to admire this beauty neither the ability to understand nature’s language.

Fortunately, I’m blessed to be among those rare species who understand its significance. I am bestowed with the talent to harness its energy and maintain internal peace as nature does. I’m lucky to be among the ones who have the ability to have a cup of tea and chat with creepers while whispering wishes to the wind.

While staring at the greenery, I saw the trees waving at me and asking me to savor my morning tea. I smiled back at them and said, “Isn’t it unusual to have tea with you all?” They were taken aback and asked, “And why do you say so darling?” I took a sip and said, “Because this one’s odd one out – manmade.”

They said, “Silly girl! Where do you get that tea from?” I thought, “Tea leaves of course – derived from nature.” I smiled at my silliness and continued enjoying my Sunday morning tea. 

Monday, May 27, 2013


It was 4’o clock in the morning and I was lying wide awake because GOD just granted my wish. I learnt a lesson from the sleepless night – be careful what you wish for as it might come true. I requested God to help me to wake up early in the morning; instead of that, I got blessed with a sleepless night. Next time, I would be more precise and more careful to choose my words. But, what’s done couldn’t be undone. So, instead of being angry on GOD, I chose to try – to sleep of course.

My experience says that it’s tough to pass a sleepless night, especially when you have restrictions on using your laptop or switching on the lights. The former kept me from watching movies and the latter prevented me from reading. But, I was saved by one thing which always comes to my aid when I need it the most – music. It was music that helped me to pass my long, boring night. Before that, I even tried to surf Internet through my simple Nokia feature-phone. But, it lacked the shimmering display of an iPad and I was soon beaten by boredom.

So, I went straight to my phone’s memory card which was stacked with around 80 songs. Not all of them proved to be effective, but fortunately, there were few tracks that at least helped me to keep my eyes shut for few minutes. I thought of listing down those tracks in case any of my readers faces a similar situation. You will find these tracks helpful until and unless, you are an insomniac. So, here goes my list.

1) Fireflies – Owl City
This song came to me through one of my colleagues and I’m really grateful to him for it. It has an amazing blend of soft beats and lyrics. Its soft notes shall surely soothe your ears. What attracts me most about this song is the voice of its singer – so different, so unique.

2) Cut – Plumb
I found the song from the first season of the Vampire Diaries and instantly fell for it. All those people who are truly, deeply and madly in love can pass their whole night by listening to this one. It does not have typical beats and has been composed on piano base. The beauty of this song has been augmented with heart-touching lyrics.

3) Good Life – OneRepublic
An empty mind is a devil’s workshop and worries have tendency to flood your mind when you are trying to sleep. But this song can keep those worries at bay; at least it worked for me. The song keeps on telling you about all the good things that can happen. I love the part of the song when it says, “Hopelessly, the hope is we have so much to feel good about.” This track can actually make you feel good.

4) Say It Right – Nelly Furtado
I have loved Nelly’s voice since her first song I’m like a bird. Nelly’s this song serves as an ideal one for sleepless nights because it is free from sudden screams and shrieks which are usually there in English songs. Lyrics, again, augments it and I can feel Nelly’s dilemma when she sings:

Oh, you don't mean nothing at all to me!
No, you don’t mean nothing at all to me!
Oh, you’ve got what it takes to set me free!
Oh, you could mean everything to me!

5) This Girl – Laza Morgan
I picked up this one from Step Up 3. There’s no special reason to fall in love with it as everything about this song is special – lyrics, rhythm, beats – everything. This one’s again a must have for all lovers, especially for guys who want to propose their lovely ladies. ;)
6) Rude Boy – Rihanna
This is an odd one out, but being a huge fan of Rihanna, I had to have at least one track of hers. Now, you may ask why this one? And the answer is because I feel she screams a little less in it (no offense meant as I too am a great fan of hers). But, if you are looking for an alternative, then ‘Diamonds’ can be a good replacement.

Besides these six ones, other songs did a good job too but, these were the most effective ones. Also, if you have songs similar to these in your stock, then please suggest and share them.

P.S. – These tracks are mere suggestions, and they have the potential to bring your sleep back. But, if you still don’t fall asleep, then may GOD help you with your sleep. :P

Friday, March 15, 2013


The first two months of 2013 are over and they have turned into memories. My memory bank has now some extra lockers where fresh memories are stacking up. Among those newly added lockers, there’s one that will always bring a smile on my face and that locker is of 01st January, 2013 – the very first day of the year. For me, 2013 is passing rather quickly as compared to the last two years. I still remember the first day of 2012 that I had spent like a slothful snail. But this year, it was very much opposite. It just seems yesterday, when I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling on the night of 29th December, 2012, trying to plan something interesting for 01st Jan.

But, almost all my plans ended with one or the other flaw; so, I had to discard all my lucrative ways of welcoming the year. Had I been at home, this brainstorm wouldn’t have been necessary, but I wasn’t and hence, the plan. My very first idea of greeting the day was a lousy one (sleeping late till 11 am in the morning as my very generous office heads decided to grant a holiday on that day). So, I continued searching for better ideas. My next thought was to have tasty fried chickens, but for me, my Mom is the best person to prepare this dish and as I wasn’t at home, I immediately kicked out this idea.

The next one was to visit a decent restaurant that served extra-delicious food. Unfortunately, I was running on a low-budget scheme at that time, which meant that I couldn’t pay heavy load on my wallet; hence, this idea was formidable for my wallet. After checking and cross-checking the probabilities of all my ideas, I finally gave up on brainstorming and decided to embrace the day as it would turn out to be. But, I did ask one thing from God, which was a different and unique start to the year. My wish was granted as I did have the most unusual start to 2013. I spent the very first day of this year hunting the city for vampire fangs.

Yes, you read it right – vampire fangs. This hunt was the outcome of the theme party suggestion which was offered to our HR by my mischievously innovative colleague, Gaganpreet who was accompanied in this task by the ultra-intelligent ME. :P What was more appreciable than the suggestion was the very thoughtful nature of our HR department to shoot the mail in the end of our last working day of 2012 which was 31st December, which meant that we were left with just a single day for preparation.

Both Gagan and I were predetermined to be vampires for the day, but we felt that just two of us weren’t enough to scare people; so we included Hina in our team, and after office hours, we were on our way to become vampires. Wow! That was some preparation. Hina and me hunted the shops on the 31st night (when we were supposed to be partying around) and Gagan and me spent the entire day of 01st Jan to gather all the things (when, again, we should have been hanging around). What caused so much pain for us to find the teeth was the inappropriate time that we chose for teeth-patrolling.

When I opened my eyes on the pleasant morning of 01st January, every artery and vein of my body was aware of the fact that I’ll have to go on hunting, even before I turned into a vampire. At 11:30 am, Gagan and I set out on our journey again. We knew that finding the ‘fangs’ was going to be an uphill struggle and so, just to have some encouragement, we first went to Gurudwara (a place of worship for Sikhs) to seek God’s blessings. After leaving the Gurudwara, we went straight to collect our lenses. Getting the lenses was less tedious as Hina and I completed that part of homework on the previous day. But, the teeth – they were the real cause of our trouble. It took us almost thirty shops (and all our energy and precious time of the precious day) before we could finally shout ‘Hurrah’.

However, all our efforts paid off on 02nd January, when our colleagues were awed by our transformation. We were poured with appreciation from known as well as unknown colleagues. We even won the prize for the best costumes. That day, I came back to my room extremely pleased because we spent a quality time with our ‘vampire-selves’. At night, I sat down and looked back at the cascade of events of the past two days. There was no doubt at all that those days were hectic and back breaking, but I was happy that my wish my fulfilled and that I got to spend my new year as a pseudo active-vampire rather than a slothful snail. J