Friday, November 21, 2014


Sticky notes, scraps of papers, markers and coloured pens – there I was, sitting muddled among piles of stationery and struggling to organize my thoughts. The clock struck 09:30 pm and I were still in a constant attempt to line up my tasks and start with this post. Alas! In my yet another battle against procrastination, I lost. At twelve in the midnight, I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling. Once again, I failed to defeat my biggest enemy, the procrastination monster.

Every year, I make a promise to my readers (more to myself) that I will be more regular with my posts, but I fail miserably. I guess that by now, you must have understood the reason of my long delays. Despite my continuous and futile efforts to procrastinate procrastination, I just couldn’t do it until the phrase ‘one fine day’ dawned on me.

It was just another ordinary day of my life. I was back from office and was in lookout for something that would soothe my tired senses. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon the pen and paper, which, in a hurry, I forgot to place at proper locations in the morning. And thank God I did so because that was the moment which brought me to my senses. Writing is, and will always remain, my passion. I forgot that pen and paper have been my best friends during my darkest hours.

Without any delay, I unfolded my writing desk and sat down to write with an enthusiasm equivalent to a child about to unwrap his birthday gifts. But, no sooner had the tip of my pen touched the paper, I felt my usual enemy – the procrastination monster – holding the pen. I sat there, battling hard with the monster. For a moment, I felt I would be defeated again, but I wasn't as that was my 'one fine day'.

I don't know what exactly propelled me - job dissatisfaction or the insults bellowed at me by my employer. I summoned all my courage for I suddenly became hell bent on defeating the monster that day. I succeeded. My joys knew no bounds, and I went dizzy with happiness. I thought of going out for a treat, but before that my readers of course needed praise. For you, my dear reader, it is just another post, but for me, it is my victory against the enemy that has chained me for days or perhaps for months.

However, as said by wise men, success is easy to attain but hard to sustain. I haven't given much thought to the 'how' part of my sustenance against procrastination. But, the one thing I do know is my sustenance is impossible without my readers' support. I hope that they will keep encouraging me as they have done always for my other posts and wish me luck so that I can always fight and win against my enemy - procrastination.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


“God cannot be everywhere, so He made mothers.”
This has and will always remain my favorite quote. The major and the only reason for my devoted likeness to this quote is because I’m blessed with the best mother in the world. Dictionary wraps up meaning of mother as ‘a female who has given birth to offspring’. But, words can hardly give a concrete definition to a mother.

A mother is a universe where the only thing that resides is the undying love for her child. She is the only person who accepts you as who you are and what you are. She has known you since the time you started taking shape. She is among the solitary manifestations of pure and selfless love. I better not dare try to explain Her in words because if I do, then perhaps a book wouldn’t be enough.

My message to my readers (and especially to today’s youth) is that feel blessed to have a mother. Feel glad that God has considered you worthy enough to keep you under the warmth and love of a mother. This post is undoubtedly a tribute to all ever loving and caring mothers. But, that does not mean that your love and respect for Her should be restricted to this day only.

Don’t forget that one day you will have to bid goodbye to your mother forever. Don’t ever forget that there will be a cruel day when the comfort of your mother’s kindness and love will be snatched from you forever. So, take every moment and all opportunities to make her feel special. Give all the love you can while you can. I am not saying that your relationship with your mother should be an absolutely smooth one.

Nasty feelings like anger, frustration and annoyance will be there. She might be over possessive and over protective. But there is always a way of talking things out, and do you know what the best part is? A child is the only person who can convince a mother. If certain things get sour with your mother, then you are the only person who can turn it sweet. Don’t hesitate to talk to her because no matter how strict and harsh she appears, deep down she is truly, deeply and madly in love with you.

I hope this post has given you enough reasons to spare some time and share at least a cup of tea once in a day with your mother. Once again Happy Mother’s Day to all ever special mothers and all folks who are blessed with mothers!!

Please share some ideas for surprise gifts so that I can use some for my *Maa.

*Maa – In India, mother is addressed as Maa.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


First of all, I offer my apologies to all my readers. I’m trying hard to cope with the head-on collision between my daily chores and writing schedule. And now that you all have accepted my apologies, I wish you all a very happy and healthy new year. :) I’m sure that just like me, most of you must have fresh hopes, fresh plans for the year followed by resolutions of course. As for me, I have made just one resolution this year because in my case, too many resolutions have always spoiled my year.

My only resolution this year is to implement the lessons I have learnt from 2013. The year 2013 turned out to be great for me. Why? Because all my best laid plans went astray. I was literally screwed up and was thrown into a maze of hopelessness. Surprised why I still praise 2013? It is because I found out that God screwed my plans to make my wishes come true. My initial disappointment was gone when I looked over the incidents and the dots connected.

Those incidents taught me useful lessons and the reason behind sharing them with you all is my hope; hope that some lessons might come in handy to my readers for knowing and recognizing the ‘actually’ valuable things in life. So here come my ‘hard-earned’ lessons.

# Never Say Never
Life does maintain a diary where all our actions are noted down (that’s how karma gets back to us). Out of all entries made in that diary, situations that are entered for sure are those for which we firmly utter - I’m never going to do it. The moment you utter those words, the next moment life starts hatching out a plant to ensure that you do it.

I remember a conversation with one of my friends when I so confidently said to her, “I cannot stay away from my home for more than four months.” That very year, I moved to Ahmedabad for my job and my next visit to home was after eleven months. I turned almost insane, but I survived. Life rescued me but it smiled at me and said, “Never say never darling.” So better ‘never’ utter those words. Simply avoid the situation and move on.

#Never Take Anything or Anyone for Granted
Not even your slippers. Ever heard of Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest investment bank in the US that went bankrupt in 2008? No no! I’m not saying that they took their success for granted. I’m just emphasizing on the point that things can go wrong any time. What you have today may not be there tomorrow. So better respect all your loved ones and every good thing that you have – your loving parents, caring siblings, your beloved, your clothes or as I said, even your comfy slippers.

#What Doesn’t Kill You Definitely Makes You Stronger
Life often throws us in situations when we feel excruciating pain and wish that dinosaurs were alive to eat us up. Make damn sure that you survive those situations because those are the situations that turn you into warriors. And as my favorite Po (the kung-fu panda of course) says – warriors have nerves of steel and souls of platinum. It won’t be easy for others to break you down again.

#Hope for the Best but Stay Prepared for the Worst
Rihanna’s ‘Love the Way You Lie’ has a captivating line – even angels have their wicked schemes. SO VERY TRUE! In July 2013, I just landed into a great job and before joining, I decided to take a break. I was at home when malaria caught me for the third time and ruined everything. I lost the offer and was completely shattered. Thanks to my ever-supportive parents, they helped me stay stable and help me to put up new plans.

Guys! There’s nothing wrong in keeping your fingers crossed but there’s nothing wrong in keeping a backup plan either. Keep yourself prepared to face the extremes. That’ll help you a lot to stay stable when things don’t go your way.

#Don’t Try to Please Everyone
Because that’s next to impossible. Even God doesn’t try to do that, which maybe a reason for existence of atheists. Let me make it very clear that I’m not raising questions or doubts on anyone’s beliefs. I’m just trying to clarify that keeping up with everyone’s expectations will ultimately result in failing on your own expectations. Remember one thing – trying to make everyone happy will leave you lonely. So try to keep yourself happy because only then you can spread happiness.

These five important lessons that 2013 taught me have brought out several unknown aspects of my own self. I went bonkers when I was put through those tough tests but when they were over, I found myself again with stronger traits and in better shape. All I had to do was stay in the game.

I wish that my lessons turn out to be of at least some help for my close pals and nice folks. Once again, I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. :)