Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I was watching Wake Up Sid (I have lost the count of numbers of watching this movie) when suddenly writing about my work and interests hit my mind. There comes a time in life when you finally realize what you are really good at. There may be many things on which you can get a good grip but rather than becoming "JACK OF ALL TRADES" it's better to be "THE MASTER OF ONE". It's important to have the knack of something in yourself that will help you in the long run to make and mend things up for you. At times when the day doesn't finish off as you want it to, when things don't go your way, when everything seems messed up; your work or interest can actually calm things down for you.

Sharing my personal experience, it's my passion for reading books and writing that has supported me at times when things were hard. I was still a teenager when I left my comfort zone and came out in the open to face things on my own. 2011 is going to be the seventh consecutive year of my stay away from home. Frankly speaking, it wasn't easy at all to live away from my Family but my books and my diary made it a lot easier for me. 

I was enthralled when I got my job as a content writer. This was something that I had been wanting to do from a long time. It was that very moment which made me realize my love for writing. It was that moment when my interests got redefined and I finally knew what I wanted from my life and what I have to give to the world.

My work reminds me of a famous quote which, I guess, goes like this - "When you start loving your work, your work becomes fun" and this is what has exactly happened with me. I'm very much content to work as a 'Content Writer'. With the passage of time I can actually feel the ' Alcohol of Work ' getting on me. In short, I'm becoming WORKOHOLIC. I don't know how long it's going to be with me but I hope that it stays with me forever so that I would be able to be in my senses to work and perform better each day.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


It's amazing how words come spontaneously to us when we are asked to describe others. Starting from their name to every minute details; as if we are the ones who carved them out . I won't go into much elaboration as 'how to describe others' nor would I go into my classification details in the animal kingdom (trust me.. you feel like pulling your hair remembering all those chewing names). Right now I'm delving to describe myself. Okay, so let's start with the most basic information, my name. My name and a few general related information is already there on my profile. After all you must know whose blogs are you reading.

So I'm moving ahead. Speaking about my nature I can only say that it's a dish made out of some of the most common yet special ingredients of simplicity, complexity, humor, emotions and honesty (which is exclusively used in my case). Whether it tastes good or not is up to you to decide. As far as my judgment is concerned, you can only expect me to say that ' I AM THE BEST '. Well on this note you may think that I'm too boastful or over-confident but that's just difference of opinion. My logic behind writing this is that personally I feel that each and every person on this earth is best in something or the other and is special in his or her own way. I'm no exception and therefore I say, " I'M THE BEST ". 

My purpose of being here is to present as well as share my views and opinions on whatever I feel I should write about. Criticism, appreciation, comments as well as compliments are most welcome. One sincere request to all my friends; if you have clicked the follow button then please do follow the blogs. I'm not writing here just for myself. In that case, it's better for me to maintain a diary. It'll also be vice versa, i.e., I'll also be following your blogs. After all that is why we all are here for, exchange of views and ideas to give a better overview for a topic.

So, hope the journey of writing and following starts off well and goes long. HAPPY BLOGGING..   :)