Monday, November 27, 2017


It was a beautiful Monday morning of 2017. A soft breeze was kissing my face and caressing my hair. My beloved husband was on tour which gave me an opportunity to enjoy the bliss of solitude, although I missed him terribly. I made a perfect plan to have my day out, but a glance at my living room instantly brought me back to my senses. Books scattered on study table, empty bottles lined up on the floor and garnishing the mess was a pile of clothes in the laundry basket.

To my own surprise, instead of following my monotonous routine, I decided to have a rendezvous with my best of friends - pen and paper. You say it's been a long time. More than a year I say. Gosh! How I missed them! Ever since I got hooked up to the love of my life, things have never been the same. To me, leaving behind my spinsterhood felt like waking up from a slumber. November of 2017 marked my first wedding anniversary, but the fact of being turned into 'missus' from 'miss' still hasn't sunk in. My marriage, however, is the prime reason of coming out of my dormant stage.

I have waked up to a whole new life. I have waked up to new responsibilities and endless possibilities. I have waked up to the beauty of true love, to the beauty of newfound dreams, and to new dimensions of life. To be honest, the transition wasn't easy, but an easy life never gave the joy of success. Till November 2016, all I did was eat, pray, love, read, write, hang out with friends, wash clothes (at times), and sometimes prepare tea and dinner for my family. Post November 2016, I ate, seldom prayed, loved of course, read less, wrote even lesser, prepared tea along with breakfast and lunch and watched movies when time permitted. 

Let me be clear that there's nothing in the list that I had to do against my wish, although life often made me do so. It's just that I was and I'm still trying to strike a balance between my responsibilities and my passions. And this is exactly how I've woken up to 2017. Technically, 2017 is about to sink in oblivion, but sitting there on that fine Monday morning among the mess with my two best friends helped me to wake up to this beautiful realization that to explore the sea, you must have the courage to leave your comfort zone. 

Last one year was a wee bit rough. Getting used to my new routine that was nowhere near my old one was more than tough. I missed my parents often and missed my sisters even more. Frustration and anger got triggered in no time. Above all, I had to stay away from my beloved husband for the first three months of our marriage which was enough to make me outrageous. As a newlywed, all I did was keep dreaming of an extravagantly romantic life that was in stark contrast with my present one. That's life. Nothing goes as planned.

The brief rendezvous with pen and paper brought these wonderful epiphanies. Now that I'm fully awake, I'm ready to leave my comfort zone and all set to sail. I must explore the sea. I'm ready to follow my dreams, give them all it takes, and most importantly, never, ever give up on them. I shout out loud to all you dreamers. Wake up folks! Wake up to your dreams, wake up to your family, your friends. Wake up to life before it's too late because as Paulo Coelho says, "Your dreams are waiting, but they won't wait forever."


  1. Ur words r so crisp n vivid imagination flows so smooth.. Clearly,its all u!Keep writing

    1. Thank you so much Bhawana Di for such encouraging words. The next post is already lined up. :)
