Thursday, April 27, 2023



Hold me closer, tiny dancer

Count the headlights in the highway

Lay me down in the sheets of linen

You had a busy day today!


I did, indeed, have a busy day and a tough time shaping this post. But the cheerful notes from Elton John and Britney Spear’s Hold Me Closer did a fine job of mind and soul replenishment. I got lost in the song and while I tapped my feet to its beats and swayed with its rhythm, I struggled to pen down my feelings and express my emotions on returning to the land of writing.

Yes! After a hiatus of four long years, I finally made (rather found) my way back to the writing land. To say I am overwhelmed would be an understatement. So many things have happened and so much has changed.

I lost myself (metaphorically), found myself again (metaphorically of course), dealt and defeated writer’s block, had countless epiphanies, not to mention my Renaissance period. The list just goes on. Where should I begin? What should I write? What to include and which parts to leave out?

I mean I have already discarded five drafts of this post and this is the sixth one (and the final one). But, hold on a second! I just had another epiphany and I realized that there’s no need for stories because this post is one in itself.

Sure I can recount my life-changing events, reminisce those inspiring moments and shape them into intriguing tales, but that’s not required, at least not right now. This post is the emblem of my victory; it represents my hope, and it’s a proof that I ain’t no quitter.

It vividly reflects my joy of finally redefining myself but most importantly, it strongly resonates my determined faith to follow my passion even in the face of a thousand adversities. This post tells its own tale and cramping it with unnecessary words will only make it a cliché.

So I have decided to put this post to rest but not without thanking all those people who have spared their precious minutes on it. Thank you, all you wonderful souls for reading it and if, by any chance, we happen to be kindred spirits with similar situations, then know that you’re not alone in your struggle.

Have faith and do not give up on those beautiful dreams. They might look impossible at the time, but keep working towards it, even if it’s only for a couple hours and a day shall finally come when you can see it taking shape.

Adios amigos and one last request, please hold me closer till I am back (hopefully sooner this time).





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